Latest from the INVENTORY

Philips 128-slice-CT, Incisive CT


*YOM: 2022 *Ver. 4.5.1 *Tube model: vMRC Performance *Tube count WILL BE approx. 110K sec. (currently 90K sec. in Jun. 2024) <the installed options> 0.35sec Rotation. 0.4sec Rotation, iDose4, Injector triggering(SAS), Bolus Tracking,... READ MORE

Toshiba Platinum Ultrasound, Aplio300 (TUS-A300)


*YOM: 2014 *Ver. V4.00*R112 <the subject items> Main System 3 probes: B/W Printer (Sony UP-D897) Color Printer (Sony UP-D25MD) <the installed options> CW (UICW-A500A)Reference signal (UJUR-A500A)Dynamic Flow (USDF-A300A)DICOM (USDI-A500A)Differential THI (USDT-A300A)Precision Imaging (USPI-A300A)ApliPure... READ MORE

Siemens 128-slice-CT, Definition AS+


*YOM: 2017 *Ver. VB20 *Tube YOM 2022 / approx. 290K scan sec. <the subject items> Gantry Patient Table IRS ICS Phantom Software Disc *IES, Injector are NOT included Price: USD 66,000 (FOB Yokohama)... READ MORE

<SOLD OUT> Toshiba CT, Activion16


YOM: 2008 V5.10*R006, V3.30JR003 Tube count: Approx. 231K sec The tube YOM: 2016 <the subject items> Gantry Couch Console Recon Phantom Software disc *Injector is NOT included (Stock ID: 4053) READ MORE

<SOLD OUT> Toshiba CT, Asteion Super4


YOM: 2008 V4.00*R004, V1.62JR006 Tube count: Approx. 15K sec The tube YOM: 2020 System total: approx. 97K sec *Gantry counter: 102,396 <the subject items> Gantry Couch Console Phantom Software disc Injector (Nemoto, single-stand)... READ MORE

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